
Dental Implants

General and Cosmetic Dentistry located in Kissimmee, FL
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Dental implants are a reliable, functional solution for missing teeth. At Fortune Dental in Kissimmee, Florida, Sumaya Anjum, DMD, Adriana Maldonado, DMD, and the experienced dental team recommend dental implants as a permanent replacement for gaps in your smile. Implants stimulate your jawbone and require no additional care. They look and feel natural, too. Call Fortune Dental to find out more about dental implants, or use this website to book an appointment online. 

Dental Implants Q & A

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are one of the most effective ways to replace missing teeth. They consist of a titanium post surgically placed into your jawbone. The post replicates the missing tooth root. Once the post has fused to your jawbone, your provider tops it with an abutment and dental crown to replace your missing tooth. 

Why should I consider dental implants?

If you have missing teeth, dental implants are a super replacement option. Implants are sturdy and look and feel just like your natural teeth. They can be a valid alternative to dentures, which may slip, slide, and affect your speech and eating habits. 

Dental implants also act like your tooth root, so your jawbone maintains its integrity. Without tooth root or implant stimulation, your jawbone will likely degrade and change your face’s shape. 

Am I a candidate for a dental implant?

If you’re missing one or more teeth, you may be a candidate for one or more dental implants. You need to be in generally good health and free of gum disease. To be eligible for a dental implant, you also need ample bone in your jaw. If you do not have enough bone, your provider may refer you to a specialist to receive a bone graft first. 

What is the process for getting dental implants?

The dental implant process takes several visits and a few months. Once it’s determined that you’re ready to receive an implant, you come in to have the post-surgically implanted in your jawbone. This happens while you are under a local anesthetic. You’re sent home to heal, allowing the post to integrate into your jawbone. 

After several weeks or a few months, the implant process continues. The post is sturdily set into your jawbone, so your provider can add the abutment to which they attach the dental crown. The crown is a prosthetic tooth that matches the color and sheen of your natural teeth. 

You’re then ready to smile with confidence and use your teeth. Take care of your implant just like your natural teeth, with regular flossing, brushing, and professional cleanings. 

Find out more about dental implants by calling the office. You can also request a consultation online.